Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Write your mini autobiography introducing yourself to your classmates.

Skip the details about your school and college career (courses, major, employment goals.)

Focus rather on your "intellectual" history: the books, films, hobbies and creative activities that helped you grow.

Avoid mentioning the "most important people" in your life. Keep the focus on yourself and your personal, individual, unique path, the choices you made that took you where you are.

(This may take more than the traditional 3 minutes of standard platitudes and list of achievements. Actually, failures or dead-ends are more interesting than success stories.)


Here is the very first comment by a student last semester: it set the tone for the entire class.

"Hello, my name is ________________. Most of my life has revolved around cancer. Although I am not a cancer “survivor” I have survived cancer. A couple of days after my sixth birthday my younger brother was diagnosed with leukemia. My life changed. At a very young age I had to learn to take care of myself. To escape the lonely feelings I started writing in a journal. Writing made me feel at peace. Music and dancing also lifted me. Performing during my recitals, parades and charity events was thrilling and liberating. As I was starting to feel in control of my life, here comes cancer again. This time attacking my mother and my aunt, which were diagnosed with breast cancer. Immediately, I had to learn how to manage my feelings of anger. As a freshman in high school, I decided to join the cheer team. Performing to express my anger worked. I moved up fast and became varsity captain. As Captain of the cheerleading team I was accountable not only for myself but also for my teammates. I improved my skills on how to be a leader, and take responsibility for my actions and words. Throughout my stages of development, I was unconsciously characterizing and identifying myself. In Piaget’s stages of cognitive development theory, children experience sensorimotor. That is when they are experiencing the world through senses and actions. That is who I was; I first observed and then determined to face my fears. I never said, “I can not do it,” I just did it even if it was a challenge I did not stop until I succeeded. Cancer was one of the many situations that helped me grow into the person I am today. Ironically someone approached me at my job a few days ago, and said “ I see the care you have for people in your eyes, not many have that.” 


  1. Hello, my name is Amparo but everyone calls me Mickey.The reason my nickname is Mickey is because people in my life had a hard time pronouncing my name so ever since I could remember my nickname was always Mickey.I was born and raised in Puerto Rico till I was 3 years old and at the age of 3 I moved to New York and loved it ever since. Growing up in New York City I was always out and about, I was never really home as a teenage I was always out with friends trying to have a good time. As I get older I kind of changed my idea of a good time is a lazy Friday staying in late watching a movie and then falling asleep and having to rewind to the beginning because I missed so much.I'm kind of just a basic person when it comes to my likes and dislikes. I like the color purple. I love when the bus comes on time for school so I don't have to be worrying if I'm late, I dislike when I misplace my stuff. I hate when I have to wait for a bus and then the bus comes and its crowded. School to me before honestly was a waste of time I never saw myself as a college student until I had my kids and realized that they are going to need a role model growing up and I wanted to be that role model and decided at a older age I was going back to school to show them that no matter what happens you can get a degree to better your future and that's why I'm on this path it is to prove to everyone and especially myself that I can make it till the end and get what I want and no matter what life throws at me I'm going to achieve my goals. At first its not easy to be in a college class with student who are fresh out of high school with a bright future ahead of them. It was very intimidating to look around you and think "Wow I can be these kids moms". I don't think trying to get what you want is embarrassing I dealt with it and did what I had to do because they might be young but I had the wisdom and experience of the real world. That's my advantage of conquering the real world and college classes.

    1. I am so happy that you made the decision to go back to school, not only for your children but for yourself. You have many other advantages as well. You have much more drive then most people because you have people looking up to you. I hope you have an awesome semester.

    2. I can feel your pressure of starting college with a bunch of young students straight out of high school. I just returned to college to finish up my BA after graduating with my AA in 2004. I have a senior in HS and she has motivated me to return to school and follow my dream. So here I am ready to not only prove to my children that anything is possible but to show them that just doing the work and putting in the effort you can accomplish anything. Good Luck on your college journey.

    3. I love taking the bus! It leaves me right in front of school, and when I'm going home, it leaves me right in front as well. I admire you for setting a great example to your children i am sure that they are proud of you. I wish you the best in everything you do!

    4. its very good that you made the decision to go back to school. being motivated helps alot

  2. My name is Vanessa and I am a native Brooklynite. Being born and raised in this fast paced, multi cultural borough has an affect on any of its inhabitants. I am a product of my environment and I say this with delight. I am proud of where I'm from, never forgetting my origins. I always felt blessed to live amongst different cultures and religions. I am a nuturer by nature. I have this innate need to care for others. I hate Sunday afternoons. I have a dog and he's awesome. I always had an interest in television. Growing up I used films and books as an escape from my mundane reality. I love movies, especially comedies. I hate horror pictures. I always got good grades growing up but I never tried for more than mediocracy. Once I started college that changed. I started to put care and effort into my work. I love all music but I mainly listen to post-hardcore, but I'm open to anything with a good beat and lyrics to match. I was a Girl Scout for a few years as a kid. It didn't really teach me too much but I was top seller of Girl Scout cookies in my troop one year. I am extremely family oriented and they are my number one priority. Everything I do revolves around them. I know were not supposed to mention others, but I am unable to speak of myself and not mention them. I believe everything happens for a reason. I love the Spring. I realize this doesn't have much order to it but these tid-bits are important parts of me. I hope to learn interesting things and view compelling texts in this class.

    1. Dear Vanessa,

      I love that you feel blessed to live around so many different cultures and religions. I have a very diverse group of friends and I don't think any of us would trade that part of our friendship for the world. One of the reasons this is so important to me is that it means I will constantly be learning about someone, no matter how long I've known them.
      I too have used books and films to escape reality. I try to immerse myself in the experience so I can feel something (love, hate and anything in between) for the characters and, if I'm really lucky, almost experience what they are experiencing.

  3. I feel I can relate to you in so many levels, perhaps not by age but by likes and dislikes. I love dogs as well,any kind of animal I love. I have two dogs,a Yorkie and a Labrador retriever chow-chow mix.I agree they are awesome. I sense that you are a very compassionate person with a good heart. We are New Yorkers and most new yorkers are friendly and warm hearted people.You sound like a person that is family oriented,everything all together. I can relate to you being a family oriented person and a mother of four. I wish you good fortune in what ever you do.

  4. Hello my name is Shyrene. I was born and raised in New York City. I moved to North Carolina to try to give a better life for myself and my children, even through things was going great unfortunately after three years I had to move back to NYC to take care of my elderly grandmother. To me family is everything, I will do anything and everything to take care of my family. Sorry to say my grandmother passed away and now I am taking care of my grandfather. Between him and one of my daughters they have encouraged me to return to school and following my dream in becoming an education teacher. I love to shop, read books and watch movies, any genre. I have never really liked sports, however this year I have learned the game of football and now watch it every Sunday, Monday night and Thursday. Its a very competitive sport. Dancing is my hobby I do it while I clean the house, in the car at work and any other place that I can move around in. It soothes me on my bad days an is one of the things I do when I am having a really bad day. My focus in life now is to continue my education and do the best that I can by working hard and never giving up

    1. I truly commend you for returning back to school despite everything that you seem to have on your plate. I too love to shop. I believe that my love for shopping is actually a serious problem but such a GREAT stress reliever. Dancing is also another great past time of mine, however it is mostly done at random times! I hope you accomplish everything that you set your mind to during your college career and wish you good luck!

  5. Hello, my name is Yvonne Agyeiwah Ampofo. I was born and raised in Ghana. Growing up I read a lot of story books and this led to my interest in "reading subjects" rather than Maths and Science. I love watching movies and random videos on Youtube, i also enjoy listening to music and reading anything I lay my hands on. Through reading and watching movies, I noticed people from similar backgrounds wrote concerning particular themes. This made me realise that people were very unique and similar at the same time and this was as a result of what they were exposed to; their culture, what they read. And this led to my interest to study Sociology; and I wanted to understand people better.
    I had to move to New York in 2014 and the movies I watched gave a sense of what to expect; so one could say i did not have a culture shock and actually found a lot of things familiar.

    1. I can definitely relate to your love of reading. It is such a cheap form of entertainment and I feel it helps make us well rounded people. I truly admire you for moving to a different country and building a life for yourself, that takes a strong person. It sounds as if you've had a good experience so far in America, I hope you continue to do so!

  6. Hello everyone. My name is Mirka Almonor. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York until the age of 11. At 11, I moved to Inverness, Florida. Inverness is a very small, unknown town compared to the ever large New York City. With that being said, my transition to living the small town life was a tough one. As a result, I used books to help me adjust to living in a new town and ultimately grew to love books more than any other form of entertainment. Slowly but surely, I became accustomed to my new environment and ended up realizing how beneficial my move was. Besides reading, I hardly engaged in any other activities besides journaling and in some cases, scrapbooking. Of course, after getting adjusted and used to living in the sunshine state, my family decided to relocate back to Brooklyn this past December after spending nine years in Florida. I now have to relearn how to take public transportation which, I believe will be quite the adventure for me this year! With everything being a new learning experience, I hope to gain more knowledge in all things Italian literature related.

    1. I also viewed reading as an extracurricular as a kid, I still do in a sense. You're a native New Yorker, its in your blood to understand mass transit. You'll be comfortable with the MTA in no time. Welcome back!

  7. Hello everyone, my name is Susana Sanchez. I was born in Brooklyn. During my free time I love to take walks in the city, specially in the night because I love watching how the city lights up. My first pet was a fish. My fish died last week, he was my favorite color which is blue. I got my very first job when I was half way through my junior year of Highschool, it felt good not having to depend on my parents for money. I am proud to say that I'm still working the same job four years later. I currently work full-time. After graduating from Highschool I didn't want to attend college. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but I decided to attend anyway in order to figure out my interests. I feel that I am happy with what I am currently living and I am excited for what awaits me, I am very optimistic.

  8. Hello everyone! My name is David Sutton and I'm grew up in upstate New York (Sullivan County, to be a little more specific). Since I was a little boy two things that have always interested me are traveling and meeting new people. There was something about seeing the same faces, talking about the same things every day, that I've always felt I had to escape. I still feel this way. Is there anything to look forward to if it isn't something (or someone) new? So immediately after high school I joined the Marine Corps. Ever since then, I've searched for different experiences with different people. My dream is to be able to move to a new place every month or so. During my travels I'd reconnect with old friends while meeting new ones. It would be a never ending cycle! New foods, new cultures, new ideas and fresh perspectives…I can’t think of anything more exciting!

    1. Hi, David. I empathize with your drive to meet new people and visit new places, it is a great experience. I went to Thailand and Japan last summer with a few friends and it was an amazing trip. I suggest you try to visit Asia as well. Fair warning: Thailand is HOT. The culture shock was all over the place. Japan's metro is state-of-the-art, the streets are always clean, and people there are extremely polite, compared to NYC.

  9. Hello. I’m Deric Kwok. I often think back to my childhood in Aruba, a small island in the Caribbean, being as free as a child could be. I can vaguely remember being a tiny adventurer, running across gravel, feet covered in dirt, sandy-eyed. For the first few years of my life, I didn’t have a worry in the world. Fast forward, back in Brooklyn, the place of my birth, I have become accustomed to American life. As a kid growing up, I loved drawing, specifically comics, and playing games, specifically video games. In middle school I never took my studies seriously and engrossed myself in games. High school was no different, being a constant B student. You can imagine what effect bad grades had on my Asian parents, and yes, my parents fit the stereotype. You may ask, “Why games?” To escape. Games take you to wondrous places, just as books, film, and music do the same. My love for games transferred through all the different mediums. I tried writing my own stories, attempting to edit videos, and even tried to teach myself to play piano for a few years. My head was filled with trivia, from random facts to facts about the universe. Today, I feel like a jack of trades, but a master of none. Currently, I am working on a game of my own, and who knows what I’ll be doing in the future?

    1. I am really envious of your childhood in Aruba. You seem to have really good memories associated with it. I can relate to having parents pressure you to do well in school. As a Jew, I have my parents pushing me to do well and go into finance. I am graduating with an Accounting major, so who is having the last laugh? Games are a great way to kill time, and some are even really entertaining. I'll admit that i find myself playing some Playstation when I am bored during the weekends. Call of Duty is one game that I will never get bored of. What type of game are you working on? Good luck with it!

  10. Hello, my name is Sidney Zelman. I was born and raised in Brooklyn all my life. As a kid, I enjoyed spending countless hours a day playing video games and watching movies, but those things bore me. You may still catch me watching the occasional Netflix show, but I feel like it is a time waster. About seven years ago I discovered a new hobby that really took me by a storm. I started to follow the National Hockey league, and in particular, the New York Rangers. At first glance hockey seems like a boring sport to follow, but it is very entertaining if you get to watch games in person. One thing that I really love about going to hockey games is how I get to travel to different states. Hockey opened my eyes and allowed me to see past the sheltered tri-state area. I now find myself traveling to over six different states a year for away games, and sometimes even to Canada. It sounds silly, but I really believe that hockey made me a better person.

  11. Hello, my name is Tiong Shen Ooi or you can call me Sean. I was born and raised in Malaysia. When I was younger, I used to watch a lot of movies because my parents have no time taking care of me. They would usually played some movies for me and I will sit quietly in front of the screen just for the whole day. Because of that, watching movies has become one of my favorite hobby. Jump forward to recent years, I just came to United States about 4 years ago. Before I landed here, I have always had this thought that in New York, there will be a lot of White people and I will be living in a white neighborhood. But after I reached here, I was surprised that how diverse the people are in New York. I am very happy when I get to know and meet different kind of people all around the world because in Malaysia we are also have various kind of races and we get to live with one another in harmony. And as for now, I am a film production major student, even though I am still considered new in New York City but I am attached to this place. I really hope that despite my nationality, I will be able to make my own film and become a successful filmmaker.

  12. Hello , my name is Valentyn Kharko but most of my friends call me Valen or Val . Most of my life has been involved about moving around the world . I was born in Ukraine but at the age of 6 I moved to Spain because my parents didn't want to live in a country full of corruption . I went to school in Spain and started playing soccer there which has become my passion and in which I am really talented in. I lived in Spain for almost 8 years and I consider my self more Spanish then Ukranian even though I was born in Ukraine . I consider my self Spanish because I grew up around that culture and when someone asks me where is home I feel like Spain is the best answer . Unfortunately in 2008 when the economic crisis came to Europe , my parents were both out of jobs and everything went wrong , so they decided to move to USA to find a better future for them ,me and my sister . It was hard to adapt again to a new culture , all sorts of people but I feel that everything happened the way it was supposed to because now I know for sure that coming from Ukraine this far and being through what my family has been , the opportunities I have I got to use them , every single one of them . I also think that the reason I was in Spain was to become the soccer player I became , and besides studying and working I spend a lot of time training which I believe keeps me away from all the trouble that the streets of New York can bring to some people. Now I'm ready to use all the chances I will get in life and I know that I will take every single one of them because my family hasn't come this far for me to not take them. Who knows what the future has for me , but no matter what if it is through soccer or through college I know that I will be able to provide for my family and parents when I graduate, and it will be easier for me than it was for them to provide for me .

    1. Glad to see your adapting well you the US and still having soccer as you passion Val. Sorry to hear about all the struggles in the past with Ukraine and the European economic crisis. Still you seem like someone who bounces back, which is a good quality to have in life.

  13. Hello, my name is Vera Charukhina, but don't even try to pronounce my last name it's too complicated. I was born in Belarus, Minsk and about three years ago I moved to New York. I didn't expect that I would stay here as I came for a summer work program, but in a few weeks I made up my mind and have no regrets. I've been traveling around US a lot, I am a type of person who will pay last money to see a new place. ( which is actually not quite smart sometimes).
    I love music and I would rather stay in my room with my piano than go and waste time talking about things I don't need. I acted in couple of students films long before I knew I would be in a Film department in Brooklyn College. But I really like that. The problem is I still have my accent and when I get nervous it's even worse. I realized that at some point it stops me from doing better job in any aspects. Right now I'm working on it. I am very happy to be where I am now and I enjoy every moment of my life. I believe that there's so many things around us to see, to learn and to create that there's simply no time to stay lazy and complain. I hope people feel the same way.

    1. I can completely relate to you on the whole complicated last name conundrum. I had a Professor who would address all of us by last name all semester and that didn't go well for me, but I laughed it off. I commend you though for making the transition from your home country to the USA; not sure if I could do the same myself.

  14. Hi everyone, my name is Toniann Sidoti. I was born and raised in Brooklyn NY but I have a lot going on in my family background. I'm a mix of Italian, French Canadian, Polish, German, English, and Lithuanian. Although I've never traveled outside of the U.S one of the things I want most in life is to be able to travel the world. Moving onto my personal life there's not much to say, rather, nothing too interesting to say. During junior high school I was badly bullied by everyone in the school. This made me turn to the internet and online gaming. I spend most of my life on the computer and playing online games or watching anime. I also developed a hobby for art and drawing. Obviously I ended up becoming super anti social because of the fact that most of my time was spent indoors. During my senior year of high school I made a few good friends and would spend a lot of my time out of the house. Once I started college we slowly started drifting apart from each other. I did however find a new love for theater and acting. I always wanted to be an actor and be on t.v or in movies despite my shyness. I decided that is what I wanted to go to college for so I took theater arts on as a major. Because of that, I've been a lot more involved in school activities as well as participating in school play productions. I do still spend all of my free time online and playing games or watching shows. I prefer playing story based games (games which have a plot and backstory) or MMORPG (massively multi player online role playing games). I also love to read romance or fantasy books. I love food as well. I'm currently at a place in my life that I feel has been the most challenging for me so far. I've never had so much on my plate when it comes to school and activities as I do now but I feel very grateful for the opportunities I've been given and I hope to continue to grow as a person and come out of my "shell" more.

  15. Hi everyone, my name is Lenine Thevenin; phonetically you say my name like this, "La-neen" "Thev-nin", only bringing this up because people always question the pronunciation, so think of it as a cheat sheet, but I also go by Lenny. I'm a Haitian American, but was born and raised in America, but I pretty much breath and bleed Brooklyn, since I don't necessarily have a huge connection to my Haitian side and that is because my mom didn't really teach me much about her country. Don't get me wrong I know a decent amount about my family’s culture, but the relatability just doesn’t exist right now, but I will say it was quite an interesting experience when I traveled there for the first time not too long ago. That is the day I realized that I am exactly who I say I am because I really did notice the difference between myself and the people there, just on personality and appearance alone, but I had a ton of fun meeting family and taking in the culture. Other than that I’m an average human being just trying to finish his degree and make something of themselves in the future. Things I do to preoccupy my time is being a massive foodie even though I don’t look it because of my fast metabolism, which I consider to be a double edged sword. Watching a ton of basketball and even creating my own fantasy league, I got 19 of my friends to join, which is a personal record of mine compared to last year; now I’m just hoping I win the cash prize at the end. Lastly, I think I’m going to end with one last detail about myself and that is about music; I’m a huge music fan, but I especially consider myself to be a hip-hop head. My music collection totals 5000+, but that is mainly because I typically get whole albums because I consider those to be what the artist had in mind when he create each song, almost like there are trying to tell a story, so to take a part of a story doesn’t seem like the best way to hear it unless you have the whole picture.

    1. Lenny, I am so with you on the lack of connection to your roots. My mom is a major reason for me also not being in touch with my roots. My mom came from Puerto-Rico and she just never fully taught my siblings and I Spanish. When I went to Puerto-Rico I had the same culture clash with appearance and personality. To be honest, 19 friends to join a fantasy league is really good and makes it really interesting. That is a really big music collection. I have about 4000+ songs and I love buying CD's. I like knowing who was involved in the process and who is just taking credit. Hope to talk to you more this semester Lenny.

  16. Hello everyone, my name is Juan Collado. I am Puerto-Rican and Dominican, though a lot of people think I am Mexican, Native American or Ecuadorian first glance. That has shaped my life in many ways in reference to what we had discussed the first day of class. It made me think "God, Mexicans get it really bad!" I get the heat of all these Mexican jokes and they are just awful. I am not even Mexican and I feel it, I feel each and every one of the remarks. The jokes and stereotypes brought a whole new perspective on life and care for people that I am not directly associated with. Aside from that, I am a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fanatic, I love collecting albums, I love acting, and I love watching movies. If I could spend the rest of my life in a movie theater, I would. Just put Jennifer Lawrence, Emily Blunt, or Paula Patton in there. One of those three or all three. Hey, let us not limit ourselves now. All jokes aside, I find life to have endless possibilities through acting. I get myself wrapped up into acting being on my mind so much that I just glorify the success stories or the beautiful side of acting. I have gotten a lot better, but I would neglect the harsh side of acting and it bit me in the behind. The rejection, the process, the growth, the networking, the ambition, the ethic, the competitiveness, and the art. There are a lot that plays a factor in "making it" and in the nitty, gritty of it, is not something that is healthy for everyone. In any field honestly. I have gone to DC twice in 2014 to the Kennedy Center for the top collegiate theater festival and have been in the room with people that are pushing american theatre and people that are going to push american theatre. People from the top conservatories all over the world and it was not easy. I was getting cut from stage readings, I was not performing at a level I should have at workshops, and I was bombing auditions in front of people that can change someone's life with one word. I went from that to the following year, trying to get in that position of DC again. Going through the regional competition and only making it to Semi-finals when I was with the National finalists just the year before. I submitted plays that did not get accepted, I submitted half-ass (sorry for my language) scholarly papers that I am still ashamed to say I wrote that got tossed, and I was still getting kicked out of stage readings. Kicked out of stage readings from the school I graduated from the semester before and the director was my teacher a few months back. My auditions for colleges and conservatories were a load of crap. The worst of all is that I auditioned for the Brooklyn College BFA Acting program, made it all the way to the last call and did not get accepted. I did not even start college last semester because I was so ashamed to go to a college I always wanted to be a part of and have to live with not being able to do what I want there. I would not be telling the truth if I said it does not hurt me to this day. I was just not right mentally until I watched this movie called "Primer" and thought "This is the art I need to be creating." The creator of the film, Shane Carruth wrote the script, directed the film, acted in the film, and produced the film. That was the moment I said to myself "If you want yourself on screen, you have to put yourself on screen." I worked all summer as a delivery boy and bought me a DSLR camera with a whole bunch of equipment. I am working on this script called "City of Long Island" and I know all my hard work will live through this script and film. So, to all my peers in class, stop worrying because just being in college is a step towards your dream that many people cannot take. L'chaim! I guess the best way to describe me is that I stress a lot and I am only twenty-one years old.

    1. Hi there! I noticed you're into theater as well. I agree the business is tough. I'm a theater major myself here at brooklyn college as well as had my fair share of acting experience. I'm going to be auditioning for the BFA program in a week too. I know getting rejected is tough but then again they only accept 12 people into the program a year so I don't think it had anything to do against you personally! I actually almost decided not to go to school here last semester because I didn't know there was an application process for the BA program and was like " I'd rather not go to school if I can't major in what I want to do". I was very bitter haha.

  17. Hello all, my name is Carolina Luna. I was born in NYC and raised Dominican. Since birth, and on a yearly basis, my parents have taken me to our country and exposed me to our culture. I am now a Dominican who loves to (but not limited to), listen and dance to merengue tipico and bachata, go swimming in the rivers, climb mango trees to reach those oh so delicious mangos, and take an afternoon nap when it’s raining and you can hear the rain pitter-patter on the tin ceiling. I thank God that I get to experience the beauty of the country-side and Dominican culture and others I’ve encountered. Throughout the years however, I’ve come to, I guess you could say, appreciate the other cultures of the world. I am a classic movie, foreign movie, and anime fanatic, I absolutely love delving into a new book, I listen to various types of music, I'm very forgetful, and currently want to travel the world (even though I’m terrified of airplanes) and immerse myself in other cultures the way I’ve done with my Dominican heritage. There is something so fascinating about other people’s way of life, the different languages, religions, the beauty of the land we live on and so on. I’m dumbfounded as to how people can be so closed-minded to so many things, when there is so much to learn and appreciate.

  18. Hello, my name is Dmitriy Ilin. I was born in Russia and came to New York when I was 10 years old. Growing up in Russia, things were very different, especially the culture. When I came to New York, I was overwhelmed because of the difference in lifestyle that I had there compared to what it was here. I also had a really rough time fitting in because I would dress differently, couldn't speak English at all, and had absolutely no friends. After a few years I was able to learn English and made a few friends and finally began to fit in. During my stages of fitting in, I discovered an interest in technology. I read tons of tech news and try to keep up with all the latest and greatest tech developments and products. I am also very interested in the business world, particularly International Business, because the way business is done in other countries is very different from US. Another passion of mine is philosophy, because it makes me think deeper and notice things more about what is going on around me.

  19. Hello guys. Wow I am late . My name is Emily. I am a Brooklyn Native. I love and appreciate art in all of its forms. My family is from Texas. I don't know much about them but I will meet them for the first time this summer. I really enjoy this class and I look forward to taking part in the discussions to come!

  20. Hello, my name is Kemar. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. My hobbies are cooking, reading and fashion marketing. On my spare time I like to learn more about the finance service industry and business. I have joined a club in this college called Fashion Marketing Society. What pulled me to gain a strong passion for business and finances is that I want to educate people and teach them ways not to get lost into the depths of poverty or bad decisions with money. I am also a risk taker and like to predict future money potential earnings for a business or personal decision. This class seems very interesting and I want to learn more in it.


  21. My name is Leah Brown, I'm a happy woman today? I told myself that any loan lender that could change my life and that of my family after having been scammed separately by these online loan lenders, I will refer to anyone who is looking for loan for them. It gave me and my family happiness, although at first I had a hard time trusting him because of my experiences with past loan lenders, I needed a loan of $300,000.00 to start my life everywhere as single mother with 2 children, I met this honest and God fearing online loan lender Gain Credit Loan who helped me with a $300,000.00 loan, working with a loan company Good reputation. If you are in need of a loan and you are 100% sure of paying the loan please contact (gaincreditloan1@gmail.com)
