Friday, March 11, 2016

Discussion n. 6: DUE THU MARCH 17

Research the topic "SACCO and VANZETTI"

Make sure to take notes about the time and location of the event.

Connect in your mind this historical episode with the "Wall Street" article in the assignment and the character of Tony-the-Anarchist in L'emigrante.

COMMENT:  what were your reactions to learning about this episode? Did it trigger any questions, curiosity, interest?

REPLY to a COMMENT posted after yours: choose something original you had not thought about.


  1. These events seem to both have happened during the same year. It doesn't surprise me that people assumed Sacco and Vanzetti were behind the murder of the guard when there were many other attacks happening at the time. It still upset me that they were charged even after more evidence came out that proved their innocence. However, I am very torn about the incident. These people were anarchists, so they had it coming to them that they would be suspected first. It seems like it was a lose lose situation for them, with no hope of coming out victorious. Why were so many people at the time anarchists? What was so wrong with the government?

  2. It was surprising to find out that there was so much of an anarchist presence in the early 1900’s. I didn’t know that many of them used bombs as threats. I guess the U.S. government at the time did not have the ability to detect potential bomb threats as compared to today. However, if people were known-anarchists, shouldn’t the government have kept a closer eye on the individuals?

    1. Yes, I agree with you. Who knows it could have helped prevent the wall Street bombing.

  3. After what we have learned so far in the course, I was not all too surprised that two Italian immigrants, were blamed in the deaths of yet someone else in America. I feel as though, the rise of Italian anarchists during the time might have been inevitable, because of all the blame, and anti-Italian sentiments that they faced. I also gained a greater understanding, concerning Tony's character in L'emigrante and why he was so against capitalism, and the other harsh realities that America had to offer to Italians.

    1. I also gained a better knowledge to Tony's character after reading this Wall Street article. The treatment that was given to Italians can thrive them to do something like this, a lot of hate could of build up between them. We can definitely assume that because Tony's time in America was half looking for work and half in jail. We can assume that he got fed up and decided to create bombs to teach Americans a lesson.

  4. With what we are learned so far in this class I was not surprised that the two men was charged with the murder. In the 1920's Italians was blamed for things even if they was innocent. Since the government was being paid off it did not matter who committed the crime. Italians was know for being anarchrist. Toni was a perfect example of this, whatever he did he knew he would go to jail and come out just to commit more crimes. Even though he was poor he was always living his life to the fullest.

    1. I did not realize that. Now that you say this, I see that Tony had that kind of personality where he would live his life despite any negative consequences! Even when he was dying, he maintained that same attitude. Great observation!

  5. Both of the events happened in the year 1920. There seemed to be a lot of anarchist presence around during this time especially in the Italian community based on these readings. I can't say I'm surprised that Sacco and Vanzetti were accused of this crime. Not only were they themselves anarchists, but they were followers of Luigi Galleani, who was into violence as well as bombings. If I knew there was a group of violent Italian anarchists going around bombing things and killing people, I would suspect them of doing any of these types of crimes as well.

  6. Why did the anarchist of that time resort to bombs? Wasn't there a different way they could get attention? I am not surprised at all that they were all killed instead of given life sentences.

  7. I understand people like Tony have to get their massage heard, but do they have to kill so many people. I know tony was fighting for something he believe in, but could he had found another way of doing things. A way that people would not get hurt.

  8. I'm not surprised that they blamed the Italians. They have a lot to prove oppose to the Americans that were born there and have things easier for them. Whereas like Tony he has to fight for his right. But to the create a bomb and use it as a message? Could they have used another way to get their message across? It just puts them in a deeper hole.

  9. I understand people like Tony have to get their massage heard, but do they have to kill so many people. I know tony was fighting for something he believe in, but could he had found another way of doing things. A way that people would not get hurt.
